I am trying to develop micro service by using spring and spring boot. In my project , I am converting monolithic to service oriented architecture. Project contain 20 Micro services.I these I need to set application variables and global variables. I have confusions related to this , And I am adding those confusions here,
After My Exploration I find out Solution for this problem for loading global variables and application variables including database configuration. The best way we can use that is - spring cloud config server externalized configuration.
We can create a microservice for spring cloud config server. In config server we can create our variables and configuration in two ways.
Links To refer
Here I followed using local file system.
Need to create Config folder under src/main/resources. And create different profiles by following naming convention,
db,properties , db-test.properties , db-prod.properties , db-dev.properties. I created for example for different development environment. Like we can create any profiles for variables and configuration.
And add following in application.properties for config server
Add config server dependency in pom.xml file of config server,
Add the following into main application run class,
public class ConfigServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ConfigServerApplication.class, args);
And also create client microservice project by adding pom.xml dependency,
Add following line in application.properties file for setting client to receive configuration from server,
Finally run your client project by specifying profile ,
java -jar -Dsping.profiles.active=<profile> <jar_name>.jar
Thanks In advance