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React doesn't change render according props invoked after a conditional rendering

I have a component with a conditional rendering : 'if the component has the prop "showCross" then display a button with a cross, unless nothing'. Everything works well, when there is showCross, there is the cross, unless there is nothing :

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import React from 'react'
import {Cell} from 'react-mdl/lib/Grid'

class RefundFormContent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { fields, onClose } = this.props
    const style = {width: '150px'}

    function CrossButton(props) {
        let {showCross} = props
        const displayCross =
          showCross ? <button
              className="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon"
              : null
        return (

    return (
            <Cell col={3}>
                <Formfield {...fields.type} style={style} />
            <Cell col={4}>
                <Formfield {...fields.provider} style={style} />
            <Cell col={4}>
                <Formfield {...fields.amount} style={style} />
            <Cell col={1} className="mdl-typography--text-right">
                <CrossButton showCross />

export default RefundFormContent

But the problem is when I use this component in another, even the prop is passed to false, the cross is still displayed (I want to hide it) :

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import React from 'react'
import Grid from 'react-mdl/lib/Grid'
import Form from 'forms/Form'
import {validateCurrency} from 'forms/inputs/currency'
import {makeChoices} from 'forms/utils'
import RefundFormContent from './RefundFormContent'

const RefundForm = (
    {values=null, types, providers, onClose, showCross=false}
) => {

const fields = {
    type: {
        label: 'Type',
        choices: makeChoices(types),
        floatingLabel: true,
    provider: {
        label: 'Demandeur',
        choices: makeChoices(providers),
        floatingLabel: true,
    amount: {
        label: 'Montant',
        validators: [validateCurrency],
        floatingLabel: true,
        placeholder: 'euros',
    comment: {
        label: 'Commentaire',
        required: false,
        floatingLabel: true,
return (
    <Grid style={{backgroundColor: '#EEE', boxShadow: '1px 1px 5px 0 #A9A', 
     margin: '20px 0'}}>

export default RefundForm

No error in console, just not displayed as expected. Through React developer tool I can see that the props is at false as expected, but the display doesn't follow the display condition (that is to say: 'display nothing'). On top of it there is storybook but I'm not sure that this is linked to the display problem :

import React from 'react'
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'
import RefundAssignment from '../account/RefundAssignment'

storiesOf('RefundAssignment', module)
    .add('Affectation', () =>
            types={['1', '2', '3']}
            providers={['Deborah', 'Patrick', 'Severine', 
'Patrick Swayze']}


  • I've found the problem thanks to your answers that put me on the good way :

    • The ternary worked
    • Props were passed well through components

    --> The problem was to define a defaultProps in each component to tell clearly the expected behaviour. (I thought that call or not call showCross would tell if I want to display the cross or not, but no). So you can use something like :

    static defaultProps = {
        showCross: false,

    or :

    const {showCross=false} = this.props;

    and in the return


    If showCross = false the cross will not be displayed, if showCross = true it will.