If I have a websocket like the following:
def websocket: WebSocket = WebSocket.accept[String, String] { _ =>
ActorFlow.actorRef(out => LightWebSocketActor.props(out))
For reference, this is the LightWebSocketActor
class LightWebSocketActor(out: ActorRef) extends Actor {
val topic: String = service.topic
override def receive: Receive = {
case message: String =>
play.Logger.debug(s"Message: $message")
out ! message
object LightWebSocketActor {
var list: ListBuffer[ActorRef] = ListBuffer.empty[ActorRef]
def props(out: ActorRef): Props = {
list += out
Props(new LightSocketActor(out))
def sendMessage(message: String): Unit = {
list.foreach(_ ! message)
This is using the akka
websocket approach.
For example I have this test for a regular html-returning controller:
"Application" should {
"render the index page" in new WithApplication {
val home = route(app, FakeRequest(GET, "/")).get
status(home) must equalTo(OK)
contentType(home) must beSome.which(_ == "text/html")
contentAsString(home) must contain ("shouts out")
Play 2.6
I followed this Example: play-scala-websocket-example
Main steps:
Create or provide a WebSocketClient that you can use in your
Create the client:
val asyncHttpClient: AsyncHttpClient = wsClient.underlying[AsyncHttpClient]
val webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(asyncHttpClient)
Connect to the serverURL
val listener = new WebSocketClient.LoggingListener(message => queue.put(message))
val completionStage = webSocketClient.call(serverURL, origin, listener)
val f = FutureConverters.toScala(completionStage)
Test the Messages sent by the Server:
whenReady(f, timeout = Timeout(1.second)) { webSocket =>
await().until(() => webSocket.isOpen && queue.peek() != null)
For example, like:
private def checkMsg1(msg: String) {
val json: JsValue = Json.parse(msg)
json.validate[AdapterMsg] match {
case JsSuccess(AdapterNotRunning(None), _) => // ok
case other => fail(s"Unexpected result: $other")
The whole example can be found here: scala-adapters (JobCockpitControllerSpec)