I am new to Should testing. Always used Assert but I'm trying new options.
This simple test is not working and I am curious to understand why.
class Profile {
constructor(profile_name,user_name,email,language) {
this.profile_name = profile_name;
this.user_name = user_name;
this.email = email;
this.language = language;
module.exports = Profile;
let should = require('should');
let Profile = require('../lib/entities/Profile');
describe('Profile', function() {
describe('#constructor', function() {
it('should return a Profile object', function() {
let profile = new Profile('alfa','Alfa da Silva','alfa@beta.com','java');
let valid = { profile_name: 'alfa', user_name: 'Alfa da Silva', email: 'alfa@beta.com', language: 'java'};
But I am getting the following error:
Profile #constructor 1) should return a Profile object
0 passing (62ms) 1 failing
1) Profile #constructor should return a Profile object:
AssertionError: expected Profile {
profile_name: 'alfa', user_name: 'Alfa da Silva', email: 'alfa@beta.com', language: 'java' } to be Object { profile_name: 'alfa', user_name: 'Alfa da Silva', email: 'alfa@beta.com', language: 'java' } + expected - actual
at Assertion.fail (node_modules/should/cjs/should.js:275:17) at Assertion.value (node_modules/should/cjs/should.js:356:19) at Context.<anonymous> (test/Profile_test.js:12:19)
What is wrong here? Am I missing something?
You have to use profile.should.match. Because the prototype of two object is different. You can get information from here.
let should = require('should');
let Profile = require('../lib/entities/Profile');
describe('Profile', function() {
describe('#constructor', function() {
it('should return a Profile object', function() {
let profile = new Profile('alfa','Alfa da Silva','alfa@beta.com','java');
let valid = { profile_name: 'alfa', user_name: 'Alfa da Silva', email: 'alfa@beta.com', language: 'java'};