I'm reading the java official doc regarding wrappers implementation, which are static methods in Collections used to get synchronized collection, for example : List<Type> list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Type>());
the thing that I did not understand is the following (I quote from the java doc ) :
A collection created in this fashion is every bit as thread-safe as a normally synchronized collection, such as a Vector. In the face of concurrent access, it is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned collection when iterating over it. The reason is that iteration is accomplished via multiple calls into the collection, which must be composed into a single atomic operation...
how it could be every bit as thread-safe an need to manually synchronize when iterating ??
It is thread safe in the sense that each of it's individual methods are thread safe, but if you perform compound actions on the collection, then your code is at risk of concurrency issues.
List<String> synchronizedList = Collections.synchronizedList(someList);
synchronizedList.add(whatever); // this is thread safe
the individual method add()
is thread safe but if i perform the following:
List<String> synchronizedList = Collections.synchronizedList(someList);
synchronizedList.add(whatever); // this is not thread safe
the if-then-add operation is not thread safe because some other thread might have added whatever
to the list after contains()