I am trying to inject a concatenated css file into my index.html using 'gulp-inject' and then version my files. I can get this working separately but what I am trying to do is compile everything in a single task so that I can run assetVersion() against certain files and the index.html. The problem I have is that my 'styles.min.css' is not written to disk and I'm not sure how to combine the streams to achieve my goal. Can anyone help?
gulp.task('compile',['clean'],function() {
// CSS - minify, concat to one file and copy
gulp.src(paths.css + '*', { base: paths.base })
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + paths.css));
// Images - minify and copy
gulp.src(paths.images + '*', { base: paths.base })
// Index.html - inject the concatenated css, asset version and copy to dist
.pipe(inject(gulp.src(paths.dist + paths.css + 'styles.min.css', {read: false})))
You can use run-sequence to force run each task synchronously.
var runSequence = require('run-sequence')
gulp.task('compile', ['clean'], function() {
return runSequence(['compile:css', 'compile:images'], 'compile:version');
gulp.task('compile:css', function() {
// CSS - minify, concat to one file and copy
return gulp.src(paths.css + '*', { base: paths.base })
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + paths.css));
gulp.task('compile:images', function() {
// Images - minify and copy
return gulp.src(paths.images + '*', { base: paths.base })
gulp.task('compile:version', function() {
// Index.html - inject the concatenated css, asset version and copy to dist
return gulp.src(paths.index)
.pipe(inject(gulp.src(paths.dist + paths.css + 'styles.min.css', { read: false })))