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Wait for ReBus event handler

Is there any mechanizm in Rebus which allows to specify action to invoke after speficic handler handles a message? In other words, callback?

I register hansler like this:

var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildProvider();

public class Handler1 : IHandleMessages<Message1>
   public Task Handle(Message1 message)
       Console.WriteLine($"Handler1 received : {message}");
       return Task.CompletedTask;

now, I would like to do something like this:

serviceProvider.GetService<IBus>(); //or whatever needed

//wait 2000ms until Handler1 handles Message1 with specific ID
await bus.WaitUntilHandled<Handler1, Message1>(
    message => message.Id = id, 
    new TaskCancellationSource(2000));


  • Rebus' built-in extension mechanism (for the message pipelines) lets you do almost anything you want to do, but in your case I think it would be easier to pull in Rebus.Events and do something like this:

        .Events(e =>
            e.AfterMessageHandled += (bus, headers, message, context, args) =>
                // do your thing in here