I have a javascript file fun.js
function fun1(){
var str='apple';
var charArray = Array.from(str);
return charArray;
I return this charArray to my java code using nashorn. But nashorn gives exception as-
javax.script.ScriptException: TypeError: Array.from is not a function in at line number 25
How can I use Array.from() with nashorn or is there any way to convert string to charArray in js which is compatible with nashorn.
my java code is -
System.out.println("intialising parser....");
ScriptEngine engine= new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("nashorn");
engine.eval(new FileReader("index.js"));
Invocable invocable= (Invocable) engine;
Object obj = (Object)invocable.invokeFunction("fun1");
Later I found it was simple like this-
function fun1(){
var str='apple';
var charArray =str.split('');
return charArray;
Also it is compatible with nashorn.