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fill font awesome icon with image

I want to fill a font-awesome icon with an image. I know that it is possible to fill a text with an image using webkit, but it does not work with an icon from font-awesome or another icon font. Is that even possible? I added a code snippet for demonstration.

.text-image {
 font-size: 4em; 
 font-family: "Arial Black"; 
 background-image: url('');
 background-size: 100%;
 -webkit-background-clip: text;
 -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
 -webkit-text-stroke:1px #FAB6D3;
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Text filled with image</title>
	<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script defer src="" integrity="sha384-SlE991lGASHoBfWbelyBPLsUlwY1GwNDJo3jSJO04KZ33K2bwfV9YBauFfnzvynJ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<i class="fas fa-user text-image"></i>
<p class="fas fa-star text-image"></p>
<p class="text-image">Test Text</p>


  • Yes it's possible, it works like any font but you need to apply your styles to the :before element, beacuse Fontawesome and other icon fonts draw their contents here.

    .text-image {
     font-family: "Arial Black"; 
    .text-image, .text-image:before {
     font-size: 4em; 
     background-image: url('');
     background-size: 100%;
     -webkit-background-clip: text;
     -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
     -webkit-text-stroke:1px #FAB6D3;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<title>Text filled with image</title>
    	<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <i class="fa fa-user text-image"></i>
    <i class="fa fa-star text-image"></i>
    <p class="text-image">Test Text</p>