I am new to extension development so I am making an extension which gets the product's name or price from the DOM
of the page user is visiting. I made it but i am facing a problem that every single time i have to reload the page.
For example, If user is at flipkart.com say and visiting some product, then as soon as i click on specific product (of course the product's page is going to be loaded) i have to click on my extension icon then and only then it gets the data i need.
if the page is fully loaded and then i click on my extension icon i dont see the output i need, instead it prints nothing on console.
In other words, what should i do so that, i dont have to worry about clicking on the extension icon and the data i need, is automatically in my popup.html
"manifest_version" : 2 ,
"name" : "myextension",
"version" : "1.0",
"default_popup" : "popup.html"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["https://www.amazon.in/*","https://www.flipkart.com/*"],
"js": ["jquery-3.2.1.js","mycontentscript.js"]
"background" :{
"scripts" : ["background.js"]
"permissions": [
"*://flipkart.com/*","*://amazon.in/*", "tabs", "http://localhost/*", "webNavigation" //local host added
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' https://*/* default-src 'self' "
var prdname=document.getElementsByClassName('_3eAQiD')[0].innerText; //just getting the name of prduct
myob ={
"prd" : prdname
var port = chrome.runtime.connect();
port.postMessage(myob); //sending product name to myscript.js
alert(res.prd); ///just alerting here
Can you please help me fix this???
You can run some code to save product page in background script. And later load it from you popup script (which i assume where myscript.js
is laoded)
So this code goes to background script which is running all the time
var productName
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request) => {
switch (request.command) {
case "saveProduct":
productName = request.productName
case "loadProcut":
return productName
The following to content script that is loaded when user opens the page specified in manifest.json
// mycontentscript.js
var prdname=document.getElementsByClassName('_3eAQiD')[0].innerText
command: "saveProduct"
productName: prdname
And finally this loads the product name from the popup js
// myscript.js
command: "loadProcut"