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Two ways to write to text file using Excel VBA: Microsoft Standard Library vs Microsoft Scripting Runtime

I found there is two ways of creating and writing to a text file in Excel VBA: by using microsoft standard library or by using Microsoft Scripting Runtime. Are they equivalent? Below we have examples of both.

Sub WriteToTextFile_FirstWay()
    Open "D:\Temp1.txt" For Output As #1
        Print #1, "This text file was created using microsoft standard library."
    Close #1
End Sub

Sub WriteToTextFile_SecondWay()
    Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
    Set txtstream = FSO.CreateTextFile("D:\Temp2.txt", True, True)
    txtstream.Write "This text file was created using Microsoft Scripting Runtime."
End Sub


  • Here are the results of 3 tests:

    VBA_Lib - Size: 410 Mb, Time: 11.597 sec
    FSO_Asc - Size: 371 Mb, Time: 20.241 sec
    FSO_Uni - Size: 743 Mb, Time: 19.822 sec

    The code

    Option Explicit
    Private Const ITERATIONS = 10000000
    Private Const TEST_STRING = "This text file was created using "
    Private fso As FileSystemObject     'Requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
    Public Sub WriteToTextFile_FirstWay()
        Const FILE_TYPE = "VBA_Lib"
        Const FILE_NAME = "D:\" & FILE_TYPE & ".txt"
        Const FILE_TEXT = TEST_STRING & FILE_TYPE & "."
        Dim i As Long, t As Double
        Set fso = New FileSystemObject
        t = Timer
        Open FILE_NAME For Output As #1 'Encode in UTF-8
            For i = 1 To ITERATIONS
                Print #1, FILE_TEXT
        Close #1
        ShowResult FILE_TYPE, FILE_NAME, t
    End Sub
    Public Sub WriteToTextFile_SecondWay()
        Set fso = New FileSystemObject
        TestFSO False   'Encode in UTF-8
        TestFSO True    'Encode in UCS-2 LE-BOM
    End Sub

    Private Sub TestFSO(Optional ByVal asUnicode As Boolean = False)
        Const FILE_TYPE = "FSO"
        Const FILE_NAME = "D:\" & FILE_TYPE
        Const FILE_TEXT = TEST_STRING & FILE_TYPE & "."
        Dim i As Long, t As Double, fsoFile As TextStream, fName As String, isASC As String
        isASC = IIf(asUnicode, "Uni", "Asc")
        fName = FILE_NAME & "_" & isASC & ".txt"
        t = Timer
        Set fsoFile = fso.CreateTextFile(fName, True, asUnicode)
            For i = 1 To ITERATIONS
                fsoFile.WriteLine FILE_TEXT
        ShowResult FILE_TYPE & "_" & isASC, fName, t
    End Sub
    Private Sub ShowResult(ByVal fType As String, ByVal fName As String, ByVal t As Double)
        Dim msg As String
        msg = fType & " - Size: " & fso.GetFile(fName).Size \ 1048576 & " Mb"
        Debug.Print msg & ", Time: " & Format(Timer - t, "0.000") & " sec"
    End Sub

    FileSystemObject Methods (MSDN)