I am making a plugin that provides a form, letting anyone submit a post to my Wordpress site (custom post type). I am looking for a very basic means of deterring bots/spammers though, so I want to e-mail a confirmation code that they can click and change the status to Published.
I would prefer not to store anything in the database, so I was thinking of just sending something like "verification.php?id=12", where the ID is the post ID. That is pretty obvious though, so I would like to make that single number look more complex, then "decrypt" it when the link is clicked to reveal the actual Post ID.
Pseudo Code:
If ($_GET['veriID'] != '')
$lastchar = substr($_GET['veriID'], -1);
What would be some options to achieve this? Should I just generate a random string and append the post ID to the end or is there a better method?
You can use HMAC to authenticate the request. The resulting url will look like the following:
To generate the hash, the HMAC algorithm is used. This has the advantage that a secret value is used. Therefore the value cannot be computed by the message (the post id) alone.
Code to generate the hash value:
define('secret', 'really super secret value');
$post_id = 12;
// Get the hash
echo hash_hmac('sha256', $post_id, secret);
You can store the secret in a constant value or better: one per plugin-installation.
Since you can always compute the hash from the post-id, no data needs to be stored in a database.