There are two QListWidget
with the same number of the items. How can synchronize their scrolling?
I mean when I scroll one of them, the other one should get same scrolling.
Suppose you have two QListWidget
elements listWidget_1
and listWidget_2
in your UI
, then you can use valueChanged
signal/slot pair to connect vertical sliders of both listwidgets, indeed, I didn't find any issue of signals re-bouncing in this "two way" connection because eventually both values will be same and I think no more signals would be emitted, thus you can set such sufficient connections:
connect(this->ui->listWidget_1->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged,
this->ui->listWidget_2->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::setValue);
connect(this->ui->listWidget_2->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged,
this->ui->listWidget_1->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::setValue);
// test lists:
QList<QString> lw11, lw22;
for (int x=0; x <200; x++){
lw11.append("ListWidget1_" + QVariant(x).toString());
lw22.append("The Other lw is at: " + QVariant(x).toString());
If signal rebounce should be blocked anyway, then the model can be adjusted by adding a single slot
to handle scrolling for both widgets and connect both to that slot:
, this, &MainWindow::handleScroll);
, this, &MainWindow::handleScroll);
and the slot logic can be :
void MainWindow::handleScroll(int value)
// Logic for detecting sender() can be used ... but I don't see it's important
// fast way to check which listWidget emitted the signal ...
if (this->ui->listWidget_1->verticalScrollBar()->value() == value){
qDebug() << "lw1 is in charge ...............";
disconnect(this->ui->listWidget_2->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged,this, &MainWindow::handleScroll); // prevent signal rebounce from the other lw
connect(this->ui->listWidget_2->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged,this, &MainWindow::handleScroll);
qDebug() << "lw2 is in charge ...............";
disconnect(this->ui->listWidget_1->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged,this, &MainWindow::handleScroll);
connect(this->ui->listWidget_1->verticalScrollBar(), &QScrollBar::valueChanged,this, &MainWindow::handleScroll);