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Unable to Open ChildForm inside MdiParent

I am trying to open ChildForms on MdiParent Form using a Form Manager Class. I've tried several alternatives in order to tell "FormManager" Class which Form is the MdiParent; however it would always throw errors (1 different error for each different occasion). Most of the times it would say that MainForm was not a MdiContainer; and this is not true as I had set MainForm previously as such.

Note:1 Main Form is set as a MdiContainer.

Note:2 If I attempt to open only 1 Form it will open perfectly inside MdiParent Form. However if I attempt to Load 2 or more Forms it will throw error.

Note:3 If I create the Child Forms Instances on Main Form; Everything works just fine. No issues at all. But this is not how I want to do it.

  // [Class] : Main Form
  // Member Variables
  private FormManager FrmMgr;

  // Load Forms using FormManager Class
  private void Load_Forms()
  // Create a new Instance of FormManager.
      if (FrmMgr == null) { FrmMgr = new FormManager(); }
  // Set MainForm as MdiParent in FormManager Class
      FrmMgr.MdiParent = this;
  // Alternatively Manually Set the MdiParent in MainForm (Uncomment Line Bellow)
  // this.IsMdiContainer = true;

  // [Class] : Form Manager
  // <Member Variables>
  private Form1 frm1;
  private Form2 frm2;

  // FormManager <Constructor>.
  // Constructor Receives MdiParent Information from MainForm
  // and Sets the MdiParent.ActiveControl Information to Every Form
  // when calling each (Form initiation) Method.
   public FormManager(Form _MainParent)
       // Create new Instance of Form1

       // Create new Instance of Form2

    private void Init_frm1(_MainParent)
        if (frm1 == null) { frm1 = new Form1(); }
        frm1.MdiParent = _MainParent;


    private void Init_frm2(_MainParent)
        if (frm2 == null) { frm2 = new Form2(); }
        frm2.MdiParent = _MainParent;


Can anyone point me in the right direction and help me understand why this happens? Thanks in advance.


  • I was finally able to sort it out.

    The issue seemed to be consisted in the way I've used to pass "MainForm" as the "MdiParent" to "FormManager" class.

    // [Class] MainForm
    // Create new Instance (Always Active); of FormManager Class
    // Note: When FormManager Class is Loaded; it's Constructor will
    // run the Methods that will open all the initial Forms.
    private void Load_Modules()
        // "this" refers to "MainForm"
        if (FrmMgr == null) { FrmMgr = new FormManager(this); }
    // [Class] FormManager
    // Member Variables
    private Form1 frm1;
    private Form2 frm2;
    // <Constructor>
    public FormManager(Form _MainParent)
        // Create new Instance of Form1 under "Init_Frm1" Method
        // Create new Instance of Form2 under "Init_Frm2" Method
    // Method that Will Create new Instance of Form1
    private void Init_Frm1(Form _MainParent)
        if (frm1 == null) { frm1 = new Form1(); }
        frm1.MdiParent = _MainParent;
    // Method that Will Create new Instance of Form2
    private void Init_Frm2(Form _MainParent)
        if (frm2 == null) { frm2 = new Form2(); }
        frm2.MdiParent = _MainParent;