I have an array of nested structs pointers allocated with malloc
. I want print the array in a binary file and then, load it into this struct again crushing existing records. This is my structs array:
struct viaje {
char *identificador;
char *ciudadDestino;
char *hotel;
int numeroNoches;
char *tipoTransporte;
float precioAlojamiento;
float precioDesplazamiento;
struct cliente {
char *dni;
char *nombre;
char *apellidos;
char *direccion;
int totalViajes;
struct viaje *viajes;
} *clientes;
I am trying to print it inside a binary file like:
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TAM_CLIENTES; i++) {
fwrite(&clientes[i], sizeof(struct cliente)-(sizeof(struct viaje)*MAX_TAM_VIAJES_CLIENTE), 1, fp_guardarCargarEstado);
for (j = 0; j < clientes[i].totalViajes; j++) {
fwrite(&clientes[i].viajes[j], sizeof(struct viaje), 1, fp_guardarCargarEstado);
is a define. Is the max size of array clientes
is a define. Is the max size of array viajes
inside one clientes
Also, I try to load this binary data like:
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TAM_CLIENTES; i++) {
clientes = (struct cliente *)realloc(clientes, (totalClientes+1)*sizeof(struct cliente));
clientes[totalClientes].dni = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_DNI+1)*sizeof(char));
clientes[totalClientes].nombre = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_NOMBRE+1)*sizeof(char));
clientes[totalClientes].apellidos = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_APELLIDOS+1)*sizeof(char));
clientes[totalClientes].direccion = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_DIRECCION+1)*sizeof(char));
fread(&clientes[i], sizeof(struct cliente)-(sizeof(struct viaje)*MAX_TAM_VIAJES_CLIENTE), 1, fp_guardarCargarEstado);
for (j = 0; j < clientes[i].totalViajes; j++) {
clientes[i].viajes = (struct viaje *)realloc(clientes[i].viajes, (j+1)*sizeof(struct viaje));
clientes[i].viajes[j].identificador = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_IDENTIFICADOR+1)*sizeof(char));
clientes[i].viajes[j].ciudadDestino = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_CIUDAD_DESTINO+1)*sizeof(char));
clientes[i].viajes[j].hotel = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_HOTEL+1)*sizeof(char));
clientes[i].viajes[j].tipoTransporte = (char *)malloc((MAX_TAM_TIPO_TRANSPORTE+1)*sizeof(char));
fread(&clientes[i].viajes[j], sizeof(struct viaje), 1, fp_guardarCargarEstado);
are defines. They are the maximum size of each field.
But I do not know if fwrite
is saving good the data due to when I try load it, program crash and is not loading data.
I do not know how could be wrong there. Any idea?
Thank you.
You cannot save the full contents of these structures with fwrite
and read them back with fread
, because they contain pointers to strings, not the actual characters.
There are 2 ways to achieve your goals:
instead of pointers to allocated storage. If you open the files as binary, you should be able to write the structures and read them back with
fread`.Be aware however that the latter approach is much less flexible than the textual approach:
may be different.struct viaje *viajes;
must also be replaced with an actual structure without any pointers.