I have five tabs in Tablayout with fragments. I have a Floating button at the Bottom right corner of the first Tab. when I click the FAB button, it inflates a small CardView(Initially Cardview was set to INVISIBLE), and when I click FAB button again, Cardview goes to invisible state. (To achieve that, I have used 'flags' true and false).
Now, my requirement is--- Suppose, I am in first Tab. And I clicked the FAB button, in return, it inflated Cardview. Without clicking the FAB button again(Cardview is in VISIBLE state) I went to second Tab. Then, I moved to First Tab from the second Tab. but, still the Cardview stays VISIBLE state.
I want to make the Cardview INVISIBLE when I move to other Tabs and come back.
please tell me how to achieve that functionality.
Thanks in advance.
What is the lifecycle of tabs, when switching between Tabs in TabLayout
Kindly go through this Answer of mine to understand what happens when you switch the tabs.
I want to make the Cardview INVISIBLE when I move to other Tabs and come back.
You can utilize setOnTabSelectedListener
of TabLayout
new TabLayout.ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener(mViewPager) {
public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
// Do your login here.. according to tab positon