I have the following code and can't seem to get my JSON to output as per my serializer.
I receive the following log [active_model_serializers] Rendered SimpleJobSerializer with Hash
My controller is as below:
# Jobs Controller
def home
return_limit = 2
@dev_jobs = Job.where(category: 'developer').limit(return_limit)
@marketing_jobs = Job.where(category: 'marketing').limit(return_limit)
@sales_jobs = Job.where(category: 'sales').limit(return_limit)
@jobs = {
developer: @dev_jobs,
marketing: @marketing_jobs,
sales: @sales_jobs
render json: @jobs, each_serializer: SimpleJobSerializer
And my serializer:
class SimpleJobSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :title, :company, :job_type, :date
def date
d = object.created_at
d.strftime("%d %b")
I am receiving the full API response but expect to only receive title
, company
, job_type
and date
It's worth mentioning the jobs model is completely flat and there are currently no associations to take into account. It seems to be just the nesting of the jobs into the @jobs object that's stopping serialization.
Any help would be much appreciated.
expects you to pass an array but here you're passing a hash:
@jobs = {
developer: @dev_jobs,
marketing: @marketing_jobs,
sales: @sales_jobs
Since you want that structure, I'd recommend two approachs depending on which you prefer. One is to change the serializer which should control the format:
class JobsSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :developer, :marketing, :sales
def developer
json_array(object.where(category: "developer"))
def marketing
json_array(object.where(category: "marketing"))
def sales
json_array(object.where(category: "sales"))
def json_array(jobs)
ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(jobs, each_serializer: SimpleJobSerializer)
You can still leave your current serializer as is:
class SimpleJobSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :title, :company, :job_type, :date
def date
d = object.created_at
d.strftime("%d %b")
Or option 2 would be to do this in the controller:
@jobs = {
developer: ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(@dev_Jobs, each_serializer: SimpleJobSerializer),
marketing: ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(@marketing_jobs, each_serializer: SimpleJobSerializer),
sales: ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(@sales_jobs, each_serializer: SimpleJobSerializer)
render json: @jobs