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What is context in _.each(list, iterator, [context])?

I am new to underscore.js. What is the purpose of [context] in _.each()? How should it be used?


  • The context parameter just sets the value of this in the iterator function.

    var someOtherArray = ["name","patrick","d","w"];
    _.each([1, 2, 3], function(num) { 
        // In here, "this" refers to the same Array as "someOtherArray"
        alert( this[num] ); // num is the value from the array being iterated
                            //    so this[num] gets the item at the "num" index of
                            //    someOtherArray.
    }, someOtherArray);

    Working Example:

    It uses the number from each member of the Array being iterated to get the item at that index of someOtherArray, which is represented by this since we passed it as the context parameter.

    If you do not set the context, then this will refer to the window object.


    To answer the What's the advantage of that? Why not just refer to someOtherArray[num] rather than this[num]? upvoted question found in the comments below, let's move the anonymous iteratee callback into a function for easy re-use:

    const someOtherArray  = ["name","patrick","d","w"];
    const yetAnotherArray = ["what","goes","here","?"];
    function alertStr(num){
        alert( this[num] );
    _.each([1, 2, 3], alertStr, someOtherArray);
    _.each([1, 2, 3], alertStr, yetAnotherArray);

    You can see how the this reference allows us to re-use the iteratee function across multiple _.each calls with different context values. This would not work if we had the someOtherArray hardcoded inside the iteratee.