Hey all I am trying to fill in the area with blank circles, but its turning out looking like this:
(Sized down in order not to take up so much room here. Original size: 360x1200). Also note that I do not really use the blank.png file - its just there so I can check to see if its being used or not. I'm making just a plain color box as the "blank.png".
My code:
using (MagickImageCollection images = new MagickImageCollection())
List<string> lFiles = new List<string>();
IMagickImage roundImg = new MagickImage();
IMagickImage mask = new MagickImage();
IMagickImage shadow = new MagickImage();
IMagickImage result = new MagickImage();
bool isBlankImage = false;
foreach (string tempFBProfileImg in lFiles)
roundImg = new MagickImage(tempFBProfileImg);
if (Regex.IsMatch(@"C:\Users\David\Pictures\blank.png", @"\bblank.png\b"))
roundImg = new MagickImage(MagickColors.White, 100, 100);
roundImg.Resize(100, 100);
mask = new MagickImage("xc:black", 100, 100);
mask.Settings.FillColor = MagickColors.White;
mask.Draw(new DrawableCircle(50, 50, 50, 90));
mask.HasAlpha = false;
roundImg.Resize(100, 100);
roundImg.Composite(mask, CompositeOperator.CopyAlpha);
new DrawableStrokeColor(MagickColors.Black),
new DrawableStrokeWidth(1),
new DrawableFillColor(MagickColors.None),
new DrawableCircle(50, 50, 50, 90)
shadow = new MagickImage("xc:none", 100, 100);
shadow.Settings.FillColor = MagickColors.Black;
shadow.Draw(new DrawableCircle(50, 50, 50, 90));
shadow.Blur(0, 5);
roundImg.Composite(shadow, CompositeOperator.DstOver);
images.First().BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None;
result = images.SmushHorizontal(-35);
result.Resize(360, 0);
In the above code, I am creating a white 100x100 square. Then im resizing that to 100x100 and turning the white background transparent for the blank image.
The error I get is:
'width or height exceeds limit `#FFFFFFFFFFFF' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3491'
on the result.Write(@"C:\Users\David\Pictures\final.png"); line.
When I have just this code running:
MagickImage roundImg = new MagickImage(MagickColors.White, 100, 100);
roundImg.Resize(100, 100);
It seems to work just fine...
How can I make this work as I am needing it too?
Images used:
Blank.png start ----
Blank.png end ----
What I am wanting it to look like is this:
which really looks like this, since blank.png is transparent:
The width will be different depending on how many blank.png images are needed to be inserted to get that width. The example above has 5 images of which 4 are the blank ones.
Using Bonzos example in C#:
roundImg.Resize(new MagickGeometry(100, 100));
roundImg.BackgroundColor = MagickColors.Transparent;
roundImg.Extent(360, 100, Gravity.West);
result = roundImg;
Produces just a transparent 360x100 image.
Tried fmw42:
mask = new MagickImage("xc:black", 100, 100);
mask.Settings.FillColor = MagickColors.White;
mask.Draw(new DrawableCircle(50, 50, 50, 100));
mask.HasAlpha = false;
mask.Resize(100, 100);
roundImg.Composite(mask, CompositeOperator.CopyAlpha);
Possible solution
if (Regex.IsMatch(tempFBProfileImg.ToLower(), @"\bblank.png\b"))
result.Extent(360, 100, Gravity.West);
which results in:
Why do you not use extent with a transparent background to increase the canvas size?
I do not know c# but in command line it would be in this format:
convert ZME5U.jpg -background transparent -gravity west -extent 800x284 result.png