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How DispatchProxy compare to Castle DynamicProxy?

Some time ago I published an open source library which heavily relies on Castle DynamicProxy. Now that .NET Core 1.x RTM is out, I don't find how I could support .NET Core (Castle DynamicProxy still doesn't work on .NET Core...), until I met DispatchProxy class.

Actually there's no comprehensive documentation about the whole class, and it seems like it's too limited compared to Castle DynamicProxy.

In my case, I would need to intercept property setters, and implement some interfaces in generated proxies during run-time.

Does DispatchProxy meet these requirements? Or, what could be a working alternative to generate proxies during run-time on .NET Core?


  • This question is obsolete because I could solve the issue integrating Castle Core 4.x which already provided support to .NET Core!