I'm trying to replace the default pug tag to october cms partial. I can't replace string in file. Pug file for example:
include frames/header.pug
img(src="img/123123.jpg", alt="")
img(src="img/1.jpg", alt="")
include frames/footer.pug
How I can replace:
include frames/footer.pug
{% partial 'frames/footer' %}
but the name of included file (footer in this example) can't be known.
I have a function for this, but it's not working.
.pipe(replace(/include frames\/{1}\/.pug/g, "{% partial 'frames/$1' %}"))
Try :
// .pipe(replace(/frames/(.*).pug/g, "{% partial 'frames/$1' %}"))
var gulp = require("gulp");
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
gulp.task('replace', function () {
return gulp.src(['app.pug'])
.pipe(replace(/frames\/(.*)\.pug/g, "{% partial 'frames/$1' %}"))
app.pug (before):
include frames/header.pug
img(src="img/123123.jpg", alt="")
img(src="img/1.jpg", alt="")
include frames/footer.pug
dist/app.pug (after):
include {% partial 'frames/header' %}
img(src="img/123123.jpg", alt="")
img(src="img/1.jpg", alt="")
include {% partial 'frames/footer' %}