When I created an order,the order confirmation email showed me the wrong time.
What's wrong?
Even though i changed the default timezone on Mage.php, locale.php and config.xml, the order confirmation email showed me the EDT+1 date. It's very wired. Is there any solution?
I already matched the server time, web server time and store timezone.
The time created in the email template {{var order.getCreatedAtFormated('long')}}
shows us the "UTC+1".
Hope good solution.
Comments: I debugged it on local server and live site. When I get the time result on these codes, live site shows me the wrong time.
All sources are same because local source is a clone from live site Live site uses the external database(RDS), but local server is not.
* Get object created at date affected with object store timezone
* @return Zend_Date
public function getCreatedAtStoreDate()
return Mage::app()->getLocale()->storeDate(
Solved this issue. In the some modules, there were timezone reset code part. It was settled as "EST". After fixing it with UTC, the time of order email was corrected.
Solved successfully.