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Transaction decoding result garbled

I queried a transaction result using:

curl http://localhost:3000/tendermint/tx?hash=0xCDD76608F774BD29CDED2EBD30E94FB66CEF73A9

and then fetch the transaction content 'tx' in the returned JSON object.

// tx was extracted from the above returned JSON object
let tx = 'AAABF3siZnJvbSI6eyJhbW91bnQiOjEwMCwicHVia2V5IjoiOmJhc2U2NDpBNmZUNjFvRnlLNG1HZExnd21xSU5ubE55c1NIQ1BDRm9vb2Jod1BTamY2UCIsInNlcXVlbmNlIjowLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI6YmFzZTY0OjFGdmZvZUlLTWlDd1A2NE9IVHd2MHhjeGk3elVBRUNRTkc1NnpnR1lYdkV2UEMvallTcGUvZjVsM0pjRHRNQUl0bHNZMGtrSEZrbHNxTW82Tm9Qa0xBPT0ifSwidG8iOlt7ImFkZHJlc3MiOiJEVkFTNnFzSkxQM3lkUFd0UndkaXNIaXFmVkdtYW1UWVkiLCJhbW91bnQiOjEwMH1dfQAACMs'

I decoded it with

let value = Buffer.from(tx, 'base64').toString('utf-8')

and then it printed the following result which contains garbled characters at the end:


What's the correct way to decode a transaction?

------------- More details ----------------------

I am using Lotion to build my app. Much thanks to Chandrika's answer.


  • If you are using Lotion, you can do as follows to get the decoded transaction.

    let encodeTx = require('./tx-encoding.js')
    let bf = Buffer.from(tx, 'base64')
    let txn = encodeTx.decode(bf)

    Where tx: encoded tx you got by querying tendermint. txn will be the required decoded transaction.