I have two classes defined as follows,
export class Cycle {
lock_id: number;
bicycle_id: number;
qr_code: number;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
status: number;
battery_level: number;
is_locked: number;
is_active: boolean;
last_date_updated_on: Date;
last_location_updated_on: Date;
constructor () {
And another class is,
import { Cycle } from './Cycle'; export class ParkingLocation { parking_id: number; latitude: number; longitude: number; parking_radius: number; max_cycle_limit: number; cycles: Cycle[]; available_parking_space: number; available_cycles: number; address: string; area_id: number; constructor () {} }
I am getting a JSON object from http get method which is called as follows,
return this.http.get(this.serverUrl + this.getParkingAreaUrl + '?parkingArea=' + this.myWebLocation.id, httpOptions)
.subscribe( (data: ParkingLocation[]) => {
// console.log(data);
this.location = data;
for ( let obj of this.location) {
(err: HttpErrorResponse) => {
if (err.error instanceof Error) {
console.log('Client-side error occured.');
} else {
console.log('Server-side error occured.');
console.log( err );
And here is JSON output from the method,
"parkingId": 1,
"latitude": 12.958042,
"longitude": 77.716313,
"parkingRadius": 1,
"maxCycleLimit": 5,
"cycles": [
"lockId": "123654789123655",
"bicycleId": 0,
"latitude": 12.955596,
"longitude": 77.714446,
"status": 3,
"batteryLevel": 500,
"parking": {
"parkingId": 1,
"latitude": 12.958042,
"longitude": 77.716313,
"parkingRadius": 1,
"maxCycleLimit": 5,
"cycles": null,
"avilableParkingSpace": 0,
"availableCycles": 0,
"address": "HyperCity Market"
"qrCode": "1123",
"lastDataUpdatedOn": null,
"lastLocationUpdatedOn": null,
"active": true,
"locked": false
"avilableParkingSpace": 0,
"availableCycles": 0,
"address": "HyperCity Market",
"areaId": 1
But when i ran the application, the console statements written while calling http method is giving output
For attributes like parking_id, cycles, but the correct output is given for other 2 attributes i.e for address and latitude. Please correct me where I am wrong, the JSON output is mapping correctly to location object? If not, where I am going wrong, Please suggest me some articles to read for the problem. NOTE: I am unable to follow, what .map(),.subscribe() function will do to the http.get() method in angular4.
What you are doing now, is not creating instances of you class, with
.subscribe( (data: ParkingLocation[]) => {
you are just saying that what you expect is a response that matches your class. You need to explicitly map your response to your class. There are several ways to do that. You could do it longhand..
// assuming you are using HttpClient:
.map(response => response.map(x => new ParkingLocation(x.parkingId /** ....**/))
But it would be easier to create some kind of serializer or create a class constructor. Here are some ideas for that: How do I cast a JSON object to a typescript class and this answer.