Firebase data structure :
I need to add markers in the google map using these latlang.
My code :
var map;
function initMap() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 6.930274, lng: 79.861618},
zoom: 16.5,
panControl: false,
gestureHandling: 'greedy',
disableDefaultUI: true,
disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
var dbRef= firebase.database().ref('bins');
dbRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
var snap = snapshot.val();
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: {lat:, lng: snap.lang},
map: map
Nothing happened when this code runs.
This is because you are not accessing the children of bins
you have to use forEach
to be able to get the values:
var dbRef= firebase.database().ref('bins');
dbRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
var childs=child.val();
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: {lat:, lng: childs.lang},
map: map