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Gemfire write data exception. Server crashing when writing large dataset

I am looping through a nested object and writing it to gemfire. I get an exception while writing data. The connection has been reset while reading the header
Pool unexpected closed socket on server connection=Pooled Connection to Connection[DESTROYED]). Server unreachable: could 
not connect after 1 attempts; nested exception is 
org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException: Pool unexpected 
closed socket on server connection=Pooled Connection to Connection[DESTROYED]). Server unreachable: could 
not connect after 1 attempts

there are around 1 million entries. please let me know if you need more info.


  • I figured it out. My message lenght was too big and my socket was crashing due to the message size. i increased the socket buffer size and works ok now.