I am working on an assignment that is to create priority queue without using the #include library. I have written a few functions and have ran into a problem that I cant figure out.
// CSCI 2530
// Assignment: 6
// Author:
// File: pqueue.cpp
// Tab stops: ***
// **Say what this program does here. (replace this comment)**
#include <cstdio>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pqueue.h"
using namespace std;
//Structure PQCell holds an item (item), priority (priority) and
//a pointer to the next item in the priority queue.
struct PQCell
ItemType item;
PriorityType priority;
PQCell* node;
PQCell() : item(0), priority(0), node()
//Checks the the first element of the linked list (q) for
//a NULL value. If the list is empty this first element will be NULL.
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q)
if (q.next == NULL)
return false;
return true;
void insertCell(PQCell*& L, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
PQCell cell;
cell.item = x;
cell.priority = p;
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p)
insertCell(q, x, p);
int main()
return 0;
In the code above it shows the main file of the program where I have written a "insert" and a "insertCell" function.
The insertCell function is supposed to insert a new cell into PriorityQueue when called upon. However, when I try to call on insert cell it gives me the error(shown in the image above).
Also, here is the header file which i have created for this project
// CSCI 2530
// Assignment: ***
// Author: ***
// File: ***
// Tab stops: ***
// **Say what this program does here. (replace this comment)**
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
struct PQCell;
//Type definitions
typedef const char* ItemType;
typedef double PriorityType;
struct PriorityQueue
PriorityQueue* next;
next = NULL;
bool isEmpty(const PriorityQueue& q);
void insert(PriorityQueue& q, ItemType x, PriorityType p);
Also, here is the link to the assignment instructions..... http://cs.ecu.edu/~karl/2530/spr18/Assn/Assn6/assn6.html
You are trying to pass a reference of PriorityQueue as first argument to insertCell, this function needs a PQCell as argument.
I'd say that your insertCell should ask for PriorityQueue instead, so you can push into it