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Concourse CI can't find kubernetes secrets

I'm receiving the following error when the runner is trying to retrieve a resource:

checking failed -
Expected to find variables: git

my resource looks similar to:

- name: resource-repo
  type: git
    uri: https://[url]
    branch: master
    tag_filter: '*'
    username: ((git.username))
    password: ((git.password))

my values.yaml for the helm chart includes:

  create: false

    namespacePrefix: concourse

(regardless, the release name is concourse)

under namespace concourse-main i have the the secret:

Name: git
Namespace: concourse-main
Type: Opaque

password:  bytes
username:  bytes 

further information:

  • k8s 1.8.6
  • kops 1.8.1
  • weavenet
  • Concourse 3.9.1


  • Based on information from the documentation:

    By default, this chart will use Kubernetes Secrets as a credential manager. For a given Concourse team, a pipeline will look for secrets in a namespace named [namespacePrefix][teamName]. The namespace prefix is the release name hyphen by default, and can be overridden with the value credentialManager.kubernetes.namespacePrefix.

    In your configuration, I see the secret in a namespace of your secret is concourse-main, but a default namespacePrefix is concourse.

    So, Concourse trying to get your secret from a wrong namespace.

    You can fix it using two ways:

    1. Create a secret in the namespace concourse.
    2. Change namespacePrefix to concourse-main.