I am using jbuilder in rails to generate some JSON in a rails app. In my models, 'od_items' belong to 'od', and 'ods' belong to 'sophead'.
I want to display each 'od' of the 'sophead', and then nested under each of these, I want to display each of the 'od_items' that belong to the 'od'.
Here is my code so far:
json.ods @sophead.ods do |od|
json.od od
json.od_items od.od_items do |od_item|
json.od_item od_item
This is outputting the following JSON:
ods: [
od: {
id: 51,
sophead_id: 386,
created_at: "2018-03-21T15:28:48.802Z",
updated_at: "2018-03-21T15:28:48.802Z",
status: "Open"
od_items: [
od_item: {
id: 285,
od_id: 51,
qty: "1.0",
description: "Simpson Carriage Charge",
created_at: "2018-03-21T15:28:48.823Z",
updated_at: "2018-03-21T15:28:48.823Z"
od_item: {
id: 284,
od_id: 51,
qty: "1.0",
description: "Split Box Charge",
created_at: "2018-03-21T15:28:48.816Z",
updated_at: "2018-03-21T15:28:48.816Z"
The problem is that I want 'od_items' to be nested inside the 'od' that it relates to, instead it appears next to it.
This should be pretty simple to sort out, but I cant find anything online.
(First question on Stack overflow - Thanks very much in advance)
If your @sophead.ods
is a collection of hashes, you can easily achieve it merging the od
element with its od_items
json.ods @sophead.ods do |od|
json.od od.merge(od_items: od.od_items)
Since it seems that these are ActiveRecords:
json.ods @sophead.ods do |od|
json.od od.as_json.merge(od_items: od.od_items.map(&:as_json))
According to the README, another way to obtain the same result is to use json.merge!
json.ods @sophead.ods do |od|
json.od do
json.id od.id
json.sophead_id od.sophead_id
json.created_at od.created_at
json.updated_at od.updated_at
json.status od.status
json.merge! { od_items: od.od_items.as_json}
Another approach which assures better performances would be to use ActiveModelSerializer
class OdSerializer < ActiveModelSerializers::Model
attributes :id, :sophead_id, :created_at, :updated_at, :status
has_many :od_items, serializer: OdItemSerializer
class OdItemSerializer < ActiveModelSerializers::Model
attributes :id, :od_id, :qty, :part, :description, :created_at, :updated_at
# And in the controller
render json: @sophead.ods, each_serializer: OdSerializer