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Hook in befor App.Exit

Here is my problem:

In my WPF application I have a MyBaseControl (derives from System.Windows.Controls.ContentControls) and a lot of MyCustomControls which derives from MyBaseControl. I need to do some storing and cleanup operations for all my MyCustomControls befor the application is closed. Here is some code:

public abstract class MyBaseControl : ContentControl
// Do some smart stuff.

App.Exit += new System.Windows.ExitEventHandler(App.App_OnExit);

In App_OnExit() I do the really last operations that need to be done. I tried to do my cleanup operations in the destructor of MyBaseControl but this is called after App_OnExit(). Same problem with AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit.

The ContentControl.Closed and ContentControl.Unloaded events don't occour when I exit the application via ALT+F4.

Where can I hook in to do my cleanup operations?


  • Where can I hook in to do my cleanup operations?

    In a Closing event handler for the parent window of the control:

    public abstract class MyBaseControl : ContentControl
        public MyBaseControl()
            Loaded += MyBaseControl_Loaded;
        private void MyBaseControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this);
            parentWindow.Closing += ParentWindow_Closing;
            Loaded -= MyBaseControl_Loaded;
        private void ParentWindow_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)