I need to write custom retrofit deserializer, but don't now where to start. The problem is that every response has it's own result wrapper with envelope. Exampe: post("getUser") would return User (in "Result")
"GetUserResult": {
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorDescription": null,
"Result": {
"id": ...
and post("getPictures") would return list of pictures (in "Result")
"GetPicturesResult": {
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorDescription": null,
"Result": [ { ... } ]
and post("getComment") would return comment
"id": ...
So, idea is to have custom deserializer to deserialize "Get*Result" to "Result" object with errorCode, errorDesc and actual data from Result node.
Writing "Get*Result" classes is not an option since there are more than 100 different calls of that type.
Solved with interceptor that gets last part of request path and adds "Result" on the end, checks if response has "Get*Result" JSON element and returns its value, else, returns original response.