I have web application which uses Dexie wrapper for indexedDB, for some reason i need to rename existing Database with no glitch, i couldn't find renaming on Dexie documentation.
There's no support to rename a database is neither Dexie or native indexedDB. But you can clone a database using the following piece of code (not tested):
function cloneDatabase (sourceName, destinationName) {
// Open source database
const origDb = new Dexie(sourceName);
return origDb.open().then(()=> {
// Create the destination database
const destDb = new Dexie(destinationName);
// Clone Schema
const schema = origDb.tables.reduce((result,table)=>{
result[table.name] = [table.schema.primKey]
.map(indexSpec => indexSpec.src);
return result;
}, {});
// Clone Data
return origDb.tables.reduce(
(prev, table) => prev
.then(() => table.toArray())
.then(rows => destDb.table(table.name).bulkAdd(rows)),
// Finally close the databases