I have project that was created in another IDE that is build for a specific microcontroler. In the code far
is used quite often and it is comprehended by the IDE and compiler.
I would like to use eclipse to edit the code, because it is more convinient to use. But it generates a lot of warnings and errors in the editor because he can not resolve the far
I could create a macro #define far
, but I would have to remove it when I want to compile the code. I don't compile with eclipse, because getting the compiler to work there is cumbersome and might introduce problems.
So is there a possibility that eclipse itself can handle the far
for its syntax check?
After I searched a bit more I found an answer here: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/72375/
Go to the menu:
Project -> Properties -> C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> Symbols
and add a Symbol called far
with the value /* */
I just left the value empty and it worked.