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Jenkins xml rest API to get list of job names and last build number filtered by name

I want to get list of all job names and their last build number filtered by job name. I tried to use the following -


But this only gives all jobs and their last build numbers without filtering for job name.




  • You are doing it right. But you need to define the multiple values check not using [contains(.,%27myjobnamefilter%27)]. Instead use, [. = 'name1' or . = 'name2']. Here name1 and name2 are the job names that you have got. For more info, Please read this thread.

    https://blahblahxxxxx/jenkins/api/xml?tree=jobs[displayName,lastBuild[number]]&xpath=hudson/job[displayName[. = 'name1' or . = 'name2']]&wrapper=job_names&pretty=true

    Hope this helps.