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ANTLR4 parse tree to DOT using DOTGenerator

How do I use DOTGenerator to convert a parse tree to DOT/graphviz format in ANTLR4?

I found this related question but the only answer uses TreeViewer to display the tree in a JPanel and that's not what I'm after. This other question is exacly what I need but it didn't get answered. Everything else I stumbled upon relates to DOTTreeGenerator from ANTLR3 and it's not helpful.

I'm using Java with the ANTLR4 plugin for IntelliJ.


  • I have a small project that has all kind of utility methods w.r.t. ANTLR4 grammar debugging/testing. I haven't found the time to provide it of some proper documentation so that I can put it on Github. But here's a part of it responsible for creating a DOT file from a grammar.

    Stick it all in a single file called (and of course generate the lexer and parser for Expression.g4), and you will see a DOT string being printed to your console:

    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Expression.g4
            grammar Expression;
             : '-' expression
             | expression ('*' | '/') expression
             | expression ('+' | '-') expression
             | '(' expression ')'
             | NUMBER
             | VARIABLE
             : [0-9]+ ( '.' [0-9]+ )?
             : [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]+
             : [ \t\r\n] -> skip
        String source = "3 + 42 * (PI - 3.14159)";
        ExpressionLexer lexer = new ExpressionLexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));
        ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
        SimpleTree tree = new SimpleTree.Builder()
        DotOptions options = new DotOptions.Builder()
                .withParameters("  labelloc=\"t\";\n  label=\"Expression Tree\";\n\n")
        System.out.println(new DotTreeRepresentation().display(tree, options));
    class DotTreeRepresentation {
      public String display(SimpleTree tree) {
        return display(tree, DotOptions.DEFAULT);
      public String display(SimpleTree tree, DotOptions options) {
        return display(new InOrderTraversal().traverse(tree), options);
      public String display(List<SimpleTree.Node> nodes, DotOptions options) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("graph tree {\n\n");
        Map<SimpleTree.Node, String> nodeNameMap = new HashMap<>();
        int nodeCount = 0;
        if (options.parameters != null) {
        for (SimpleTree.Node node : nodes) {
          String nodeName = String.format("node_%s", nodeCount);
          nodeNameMap.put(node, nodeName);
          builder.append(String.format("  %s [label=\"%s\", shape=%s];\n",
                  node.getLabel().replace("\"", "\\\""),
                  node.isTokenNode() ? options.lexerRuleShape : options.parserRuleShape));
        for (SimpleTree.Node node : nodes) {
          String name = nodeNameMap.get(node);
          for (SimpleTree.Node child : node.getChildren()) {
            String childName = nodeNameMap.get(child);
            builder.append("  ").append(name).append(" -- ").append(childName).append("\n");
        return builder.append("}\n").toString();
    class InOrderTraversal {
      public List<SimpleTree.Node> traverse(SimpleTree tree) {
        if (tree == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("tree == null");
        List<SimpleTree.Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
        traverse(tree.root, nodes);
        return nodes;
      private void traverse(SimpleTree.Node node, List<SimpleTree.Node> nodes) {
        if (node.hasChildren()) {
          traverse(node.getChildren().get(0), nodes);
        for (int i = 1; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
          traverse(node.getChild(i), nodes);
    class DotOptions {
      public static final DotOptions DEFAULT = new DotOptions.Builder().build();
      public static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = null;
      public static final String DEFAULT_LEXER_RULE_SHAPE = "box";
      public static final String DEFAULT_PARSER_RULE_SHAPE = "ellipse";
      public static class Builder {
        private String parameters = DEFAULT_PARAMETERS;
        private String lexerRuleShape = DEFAULT_LEXER_RULE_SHAPE;
        private String parserRuleShape = DEFAULT_PARSER_RULE_SHAPE;
        public DotOptions.Builder withParameters(String parameters) {
          this.parameters = parameters;
          return this;
        public DotOptions.Builder withLexerRuleShape(String lexerRuleShape) {
          this.lexerRuleShape = lexerRuleShape;
          return this;
        public DotOptions.Builder withParserRuleShape(String parserRuleShape) {
          this.parserRuleShape = parserRuleShape;
          return this;
        public DotOptions build() {
          if (lexerRuleShape == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("lexerRuleShape == null");
          if (parserRuleShape == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("parserRuleShape == null");
          return new DotOptions(parameters, lexerRuleShape, parserRuleShape);
      public final String parameters;
      public final String lexerRuleShape;
      public final String parserRuleShape;
      private DotOptions(String parameters, String lexerRuleShape, String parserRuleShape) {
        this.parameters = parameters;
        this.lexerRuleShape = lexerRuleShape;
        this.parserRuleShape = parserRuleShape;
    class SimpleTree {
      public static class Builder {
        private Parser parser = null;
        private ParseTree parseTree = null;
        private Set<Integer> ignoredTokenTypes = new HashSet<>();
        private boolean displaySymbolicName = true;
        public SimpleTree build() {
          if (parser == null) {
            throw new  IllegalStateException("parser == null");
          if (parseTree == null) {
            throw new  IllegalStateException("parseTree == null");
          return new SimpleTree(parser, parseTree, ignoredTokenTypes, displaySymbolicName);
        public SimpleTree.Builder withParser(Parser parser) {
          this.parser = parser;
          return this;
        public SimpleTree.Builder withParseTree(ParseTree parseTree) {
          this.parseTree = parseTree;
          return this;
        public SimpleTree.Builder withIgnoredTokenTypes(Integer... ignoredTokenTypes) {
          this.ignoredTokenTypes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(ignoredTokenTypes));
          return this;
        public SimpleTree.Builder withDisplaySymbolicName(boolean displaySymbolicName) {
          this.displaySymbolicName = displaySymbolicName;
          return this;
      public final SimpleTree.Node root;
      private SimpleTree(Parser parser, ParseTree parseTree, Set<Integer> ignoredTokenTypes, boolean displaySymbolicName) {
        this.root = new SimpleTree.Node(parser, parseTree, ignoredTokenTypes, displaySymbolicName);
      public SimpleTree(SimpleTree.Node root) {
        if (root == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("root == null");
        this.root = root;
      public SimpleTree copy() {
        return new SimpleTree(root.copy());
      public String toLispTree() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        toLispTree(this.root, builder);
        return builder.toString().trim();
      private void toLispTree(SimpleTree.Node node, StringBuilder builder) {
        if (node.isLeaf()) {
          builder.append(node.getLabel()).append(" ");
        else {
          builder.append("(").append(node.label).append(" ");
          for (SimpleTree.Node child : node.children) {
            toLispTree(child, builder);
          builder.append(") ");
      public String toString() {
        return String.format("%s", this.root);
      public static class Node {
        protected String label;
        protected int level;
        protected boolean isTokenNode;
        protected List<SimpleTree.Node> children;
        Node(Parser parser, ParseTree parseTree, Set<Integer> ignoredTokenTypes, boolean displaySymbolicName) {
          this(parser.getRuleNames()[((RuleContext)parseTree).getRuleIndex()], 0, false);
          traverse(parseTree, this, parser, ignoredTokenTypes, displaySymbolicName);
        public Node(String label, int level, boolean isTokenNode) {
          this.label = label;
          this.level = level;
          this.isTokenNode = isTokenNode;
          this.children = new ArrayList<>();
        public void replaceWith(SimpleTree.Node node) {
          this.label = node.label;
          this.level = node.level;
          this.isTokenNode = node.isTokenNode;
        public SimpleTree.Node copy() {
          SimpleTree.Node copy = new SimpleTree.Node(this.label, this.level, this.isTokenNode);
          for (SimpleTree.Node child : this.children) {
          return copy;
        public void normalizeLevels(int level) {
          this.level = level;
          for (SimpleTree.Node child : children) {
            child.normalizeLevels(level + 1);
        public boolean hasChildren() {
          return !children.isEmpty();
        public boolean isLeaf() {
          return !hasChildren();
        public int getChildCount() {
          return children.size();
        public SimpleTree.Node getChild(int index) {
          return children.get(index);
        public int getLevel() {
          return level;
        public String getLabel() {
          return label;
        public boolean isTokenNode() {
          return isTokenNode;
        public List<SimpleTree.Node> getChildren() {
          return new ArrayList<>(children);
        private void traverse(ParseTree parseTree, SimpleTree.Node parent, Parser parser, Set<Integer> ignoredTokenTypes, boolean displaySymbolicName) {
          List<SimpleTree.ParseTreeParent> todo = new ArrayList<>();
          for (int i = 0; i < parseTree.getChildCount(); i++) {
            ParseTree child = parseTree.getChild(i);
            if (child.getPayload() instanceof CommonToken) {
              CommonToken token = (CommonToken) child.getPayload();
              if (!ignoredTokenTypes.contains(token.getType())) {
                String tempText = displaySymbolicName ?
                        String.format("%s: '%s'",
                                        .replace("\r", "\\r")
                                        .replace("\n", "\\n")
                                        .replace("\t", "\\t")
                                        .replace("'", "\\'")) :
                                        .replace("\r", "\\r")
                                        .replace("\n", "\\n")
                                        .replace("\t", "\\t"));
                if (parent.label == null) {
                  parent.label = tempText;
                else {
                  parent.children.add(new SimpleTree.Node(tempText, parent.level + 1, true));
            else {
              SimpleTree.Node node = new SimpleTree.Node(parser.getRuleNames()[((RuleContext)child).getRuleIndex()], parent.level + 1, false);
              todo.add(new SimpleTree.ParseTreeParent(child, node));
          for (SimpleTree.ParseTreeParent wrapper : todo) {
            traverse(wrapper.parseTree, wrapper.parent, parser, ignoredTokenTypes, displaySymbolicName);
        public String toString() {
          return String.format("{label=%s, level=%s, isTokenNode=%s, children=%s}", label, level, isTokenNode, children);
      private static class ParseTreeParent {
        final ParseTree parseTree;
        final SimpleTree.Node parent;
        private ParseTreeParent(ParseTree parseTree, SimpleTree.Node parent) {
          this.parseTree = parseTree;
          this.parent = parent;

    And if you paste the output in a DOT viewer, you will get this:

    enter image description here