So I'm creating a website which adds markers to a map based on the current location of the user using jQuery. I've never used jQuery before so I'm struggling on very basic issues their are two problems I have with the script so far.
1) The map is not a global variable, so in the process position function, I cannot add markers to the map, I assumed that if I created the map variable outside of any function that this would work fine, however I still get an error. I know this is probably a very minor issue but I need to be able to refer to the map variable so I can add markers in other functions.
2) The back $("#back_btn").click(function() was effectively attempting to reset the contents of a division to what it was prior, the change button function changes it to a search script which will search for location the user chooses. Although it resets it fine, more or less, the #change_btn does not work when clicked again, I used the clone method to copy the elements of the form and although the exact same button appeares again or the functionality is gone, why is this the case?
$(function() {
var map = ("map1");
var old_form = $("#location_form").clone();
var attrib="Map data copyright OpenStreetMap contributors, Open Database Licence";
L.tileLayer ("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
{ attribution: attrib } ).addTo(map);
var lat = 50.908;
var lon = -1.4;
var pos = [lat, lon];
var marker = L.marker(pos).addTo(map);
map.setView(pos, 6);
var popup = document.createElement("popup");
var placeinfo = document.createTextNode("Your current location: " + "Latitude: " + lat + "Longitude" + lon);
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (processPosition, handleError);
alert("Sorry, geolocation not supported in this browser");
$("#find_btn").click(function () {
if ("geolocation" in navigator){
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(processPosition, handleError);
console.log("Browser doesn't support geolocation!");
$("#back_btn").css("display", "inline-block");
$("#change_btn").css("display", "inline-block");
function processPosition(gpspos)
var info = 'Lat: ' + gpspos.coords.latitude + ' lon: ' + gpspos.coords.longitude;
$("#change_btn").css("display", "block");
$("#find_btn").css("display", "none");
var lat = gpspos.coords.latitude;
var lon = gpspos.coords.longitude;
alert("Latitude: " + lat + " Longitude: " + lon);
var pos = [lat, lon];
var marker = L.marker(pos).addTo(map);
map.setView(pos, 6);
var popup = document.createElement("popup");
var placeinfo = document.createTextNode("Your current location: " + "Latitude: " + lat + "Longitude" + lon);
function handleError(err)
alert('An error occurred: ' + err.code);
Sorry for these questions, I really appreciate any help that you can give me,
thanks for your time;
You're experiencing scope issues because you're effectively defining var map
in an anonymous function for the jQuery DOM ready
$(function() {
var map = ("map1");
var map;
$(function() {
map = ("map1");
so that you can access map