I have a table, which displays data in ngFor. When I delete an element, I want to hide it.
I figured I have to do a variable in my record component hide:boolean
which is false by default, but when I click od delete button, it changes to true. I don't know how to "catch" this variable in my table.
<tr sl-record *ngFor="let recordElement of records" [record]="recordElement" [hidden]="recordElement.hide"></tr>
And my record component:
<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm" role="group" aria-label="Actions">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" (click)="removeRecord(record.id)">
<i class="fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> Remove
What am I doing wrong? I have my data in json file, connected by json-server. I delete record with http.delete()
function. It gets deleted from my file, but the table does not reload by itself.
record component, removeRecod function:
removeRecord(id) {
var url = this.data_url + "/" + id;
this.hide = true;
Two basic options here:
pass in the entire record object to the delete function and switch "hide" to true
removeRecord(record) {
record.hide = true;
let id = record.id;
// do whatever to delete on server
(better) remove the record from the list itself rather than trying to hide it.
removeRecord(id) {
//do whatever to delete the record on server
let recordIndex = this.records.findIndex(r => r.id === id);
this.records = this.records.splice(recordIndex, 1);