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Cassandra-stress test: invalid parameter

~/cassandra-stress mixed ratio\(write=5,read=1\) n=100000 user profile=./cassandra.yaml duration=15m 'ops\(insert=10\)' cl=QUORUM -rate threads=100 -mode native cql3 port=9042 user=cassandra password=cassandra -transport truststore=/home/../../truststore.jks truststore-password="*********" keystore=/home/../../../cassandra-keystore.jks keystore-password="*******" ssl-protocol=****** ssl-alg=******* ssl-ciphers=************* -node $NODES -port native=9042 jmx=7199

Error: Invalid paramerter user


  • The mixed & user modes are mutually exclusive. You need to remove mixed ratio\(write=5,read=1\) n=100000 part, specify queries & inserts inside the .yaml file, and then specify necessary ration as ops parameter, for example as: ops\(insert=3,read1=1\) n=100000