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How do I split a string column into multi rows of single words & word pairs in BigQuery SQL?

I am trying (unsuccessfully) to split a string column in Google BigQuery into rows containing all single words and all word pairs (next to each other & in order). I also need to maintain the ID field for the words from the IndataTable. Both recordsets have 2 columns.

IndataTable as IDT
ID WordString
1 apple banana pear
2 carrot
3 blue red green yellow

OutdataTable as ODT
ID WordString
1 apple
1 banana
1 pear
1 apple banana
1 banana pear
2 carrot
3 blue
3 red
3 green
3 yellow
3 blue red
3 red green
3 green yellow (only pairs that are next to each other)

Is this possible in BigQuery SQL?

This is what I have so far which works for splitting it up into single words. I am really struggling to figure out how to expand this to word pairs. I don't know if this can be modified for it or I need a new approach altogether.

SELECT ID, split(WordString,' ') as Words
  select * 
     (select ID, WordString from IndataTable)


  • Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL

    WITH IndataTable AS (
      SELECT 1 id, 'apple banana pear' WordString UNION ALL
      SELECT 2, 'carrot' UNION ALL
      SELECT 3, 'blue red green yellow' 
    ), words AS (
      SELECT id, word, pos
      FROM IndataTable, UNNEST(SPLIT(WordString,' ')) AS Word WITH OFFSET pos
    ), pairs AS (
      SELECT id, CONCAT(word, ' ', LEAD(word) OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY pos)) pair
      FROM words
    SELECT id, word AS WordString FROM words UNION ALL
    SELECT id, pair AS WordString FROM pairs
    ORDER BY id  

    with result as expected :

    Row id  WordString   
    1   1   apple    
    2   1   banana   
    3   1   pear     
    4   1   apple banana     
    5   1   banana pear  
    6   2   carrot   
    7   3   blue     
    8   3   red  
    9   3   green    
    10  3   yellow   
    11  3   blue red     
    12  3   red green    
    13  3   green yellow