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Random Sampling in Google BigQuery

I just discovered that the RAND() function, while undocumented, works in BigQuery. I was able to generate a (seemingly) random sample of 10 words from the Shakespeare dataset using:

(SELECT rand() as random,word FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare] ORDER BY random)

My question is: Are there any disadvantages to using this approach instead of the HASH() method defined in the "Advanced examples" section of the reference manual?


  • For stratified sampling, check

    Good job finding it :). I requested the function recently, but it hasn't made it to documentation yet.

    I would say the advantage of RAND() is that the results will vary, while HASH() will keep giving you the same results for the same values (not guaranteed over time, but you get the idea).

    In case you want the variability that RAND() brings while still getting consistent results - you can seed it with an integer, as in RAND(3).

    Notice though that the example you pasted is doing a full sort of the random values - for sufficiently big inputs this approach won't scale.

    A scalable approach, to get around 10 random rows:

    SELECT word
    FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare]
    WHERE RAND() < 10/164656

    (where 10 is the approximate number of results I want to get, and 164656 the number of rows that table has)

    standardSQL update:

    SELECT word
    FROM `publicdata.samples.shakespeare`
    WHERE RAND() < 10/164656

    or even:

    SELECT word
    FROM `publicdata.samples.shakespeare`
    WHERE RAND() < 10/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `publicdata.samples.shakespeare`)