Embedded custom-tag in dynamic content (nested tag) not rendering.
I have a page that pulls dynamic content from a javabean and passes the list of objects to a custom tag for processing into html. Within each object is a bunch of html to be output that contains a second custom tag that I would like to also be rendered. The problem is that the tag invocation is rendered as plaintext.
An example might serve me better.
1 Pull information from a database and return it to the page via a javabean. Send this info to a custom tag for outputting.
<jsp:useBean id="ImportantNoticeBean" scope="page" class="com.mysite.beans.ImportantNoticeProcessBean"/> <%-- Declare the bean --%>
<c:forEach var="noticeBean" items="${ImportantNoticeBean.importantNotices}"> <%-- Get the info --%>
<mysite:notice importantNotice="${noticeBean}"/> <%-- give it to the tag for processing --%>
this tag should output a box div like so
*SNIP* class for custom tag def and method setup etc
out.println("<div class=\"importantNotice\">");
out.println(" " + importantNotice.getMessage());
out.println(" <div class=\"importantnoticedates\">Posted: " + importantNotice.getDateFrom() + " End: " + importantNotice.getDateTo()</div>");
out.println(" <div class=\"noticeAuthor\">- " + importantNotice.getAuthor() + "</div>");
This renders fine and as expected
<div class="importantNotice">
<p>This is a very important message. Everyone should pay attenton to it.</p>
<div class="importantnoticedates">Posted: 2008-09-08 End: 2008-09-08</div>
<div class="noticeAuthor">- The author</div>
2 If, in the above example, for instance, I were to have a custom tag in the importantNotice.getMessage() String:
*SNIP* "This is a very important message. Everyone should pay attenton to it. <mysite:quote author="Some Guy">Quote this</mysite:quote>" *SNIP*
The important notice renders fine but the quote tag will not be processed and simply inserted into the string and put as plain text/html tag.
<div class="importantNotice">
<p>This is a very important message. Everyone should pay attenton to it. <mysite:quote author="Some Guy">Quote this</mysite:quote></p>
<div class="importantnoticedates">Posted: 2008-09-08 End: 2008-09-08</div>
<div class="noticeAuthor">- The author</div>
Rather than
<div class="importantNotice">
<p>This is a very important message. Everyone should pay attenton to it. <div class="quote">Quote this <span class="authorofquote">Some Guy</span></div></p> // or wahtever I choose as the output
<div class="importantnoticedates">Posted: 2008-09-08 End: 2008-09-08</div>
<div class="noticeAuthor">- The author</div>
I know this has to do with processors and pre-processors but I am not to sure about how to make this work.
Just using
is not enough. You should do soimething like
JspFragment body = getJspBody();
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
StringBuffer buff = stringWriter.getBuffer();
to get inner tags rendered (example is for SimpleTag doTag method).
However, in the question's code I see that inner tag is comming from a string which is not rendered as a part of JSP, but just some random string. I do not think you can force JSP translator to parse it.
You can use regexp in your case or try to redesign your code in a way to have a jsp like this:
<jsp:useBean id="ImportantNoticeBean" scope="page class="com.mysite.beans.ImportantNoticeProcessBean"/>
<c:forEach var="noticeBean" items="${ImportantNoticeBean.importantNotices}">
<mysite:notice importantNotice="${noticeBean}">
<mysite:quote author="Some Guy">Quote this</mysite:quote>
<mysite:messagebody author="Some Guy" />
I whould go with regexp.