Let's say I have a JSON file with the pairs:
"fullwidth": "680",
"color": "#33d025",
"margin1": "30",
"margin2": "60",
"padding": "20"
then, I want to read those values and use them to replace attributes in an html file that looks like this:
<table width="{{Table.fullwidth}}" bgcolor="{{Table.color}}" style="margin: {{Table.margin1}}px {{Table.margin2}}px;">
<td style="padding: {{Table.padding}}px;">
<img src="a.jpg">
So, with the html file in a "temp/" path, after gulping, I obtain a valid html file in "dist/" with the attributes changed looking like this:
<table width="680" bgcolor="#33d025" style="margin: 30px 60px;">
<td style="padding: 20px;">
<img src="a.jpg">
I have already tried gulp-token-replace but after running it once, it won't work again if I save new values in the json file, even when it triggers the watch function, forcing me to restart the "gulp".
Is there a gulp plugin that can do this? or a technique that can replace the gulp-token-replace?
Maybe just javascript, but, can I run something like that from inside a gulp process (running watch to refresh it)?
Gulpfile.js as requested:
// Include gulp
var gulp = require('gulp'),
// Include plugins
fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
images = require('gulp-imagemin'),
cache = require('gulp-cache'),
browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(),
reload = browserSync.reload,
runSequence = require('run-sequence'),
del = require('del'),
notify = require('gulp-notify'),
gtr = require('gulp-token-replace')
// Default Task
gulp.task('default', function (cb) {
runSequence('clean', ['AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'watch'], cb);
// Clean 'dist'
gulp.task('clean', function () {
return del(['HTMLTemplates/*.html', 'HTMLTemplates/img', 'Temp/*.html']);
// Compress images
gulp.task('BB', function () {
optimizationLevel: 4,
progressive: true,
interlaced: true
// Reload browser
gulp.task('reload', function () {
// Prepare Browser-sync
gulp.task('CC', ['AA'], function () {
// browserSync.init(['templates/*/*.html'], {
//proxy: 'your_dev_site.url'
server: {
baseDir: './HTMLTemplates'
gulp.task('AA', function (cbk) {
runSequence('fileinclude', 'trp', cbk);
// Force to run fileinclude first before replacing the tokens
gulp.task('trp', ['fileinclude'], function (done) {
function onFinish(event) {
if (event.task === 'tokenreplace') {
gulp.removeListener('task_stop', onFinish);
gulp.on('task_stop', onFinish);
// Include partial files into email template (fileinclude)
gulp.task('fileinclude', function () {
// grab 'template'
return gulp.src('templates/layouts/*.tpl.html')
// include partials
basepath: 'templates/components/'
// remove .tpl.html extension name
extname: ""
// add new extension name
extname: ".html"
// move file to folder
message: 'Template file includes complete'
// Replace tokens in the index.html created by fileinclude
gulp.task('tokenreplace', ['fileinclude'], function (doit) {
var config = require('./templates/components/000 vars/config.json');
return gulp.src('Temp/index.html')
global: config
// notify to say the task has complete
message: 'Vars includes complete'
})), doit();
// Watch files for changes in html/css/tpl.html/images
gulp.task('watch', function () {
gulp.watch(['templates/components/**/*.html'], ['AA']);
gulp.watch(['templates/components/**/*.css'], ['AA']);
gulp.watch(['templates/layouts/*.tpl.html'], ['AA']);
gulp.watch(['templates/components/000 vars/*.json'], ['trp']);
gulp.watch(['HTMLTemplates/*.html'], ['reload']);
gulp.watch('templates/img/*', ['BB']);
I received the answer directly from the developer of the Gulp Token Replace plugin, so I'm answering my own question for archive purposes.
Replace this:
// Replace tokens in the index.html created by fileinclude
gulp.task('tokenreplace', ['fileinclude'], function (doit) {
var config = require('./templates/components/000 vars/config.json');
return gulp.src('Temp/index.html')
global: config
with this:
// Replace tokens in the index.html created by fileinclude
gulp.task('tokenreplace', ['fileinclude'], function (doit) {
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./templates/components/000 vars/config.json')]
var config = require('./templates/components/000 vars/config.json');
return gulp.src('Temp/index.html')
global: config
And now it works like a charm!