I am trying to store the sessions of my Koa app on a mongo DB server.
I do not really understand how works this part of the documentation: https://github.com/koajs/session/blob/master/Readme.md#external-session-stores
It says we have to add three methods (get/set/destroy) to our DB instance. In my case, I have no idea what to put in these functions.
Would someone help me ? At least for get()
As a reference, you can take a look at this session store which is using RethinkDB.
export function getRethinkSessionStore (dbConn, tableName = 'session') {
return {
// Get session object by key.
get: (key, ageMax, { rolling }) =>
.catch(err => null),
// Set session object for key, with a maxAge (in ms).
set: (key, session, maxAge, { rolling, changed }) =>
r.table(tableName).insert({id: key, maxAge, session}, {conflict: 'replace'})
.catch(err => {}),
// Destroy session for key.
destroy: key =>
.catch(err => {})