The following code does not compile:
describe("something") {
context("when something") {
var a: SomeType
beforeEachTest {
a = someNewMutableObject
it("should do something") {
assertTrue(a.something()) // variable a not initialized
How would one get around this problem? What could i assign to the variable to get rid of the warning?
Just use the lateinit modifier on the variable that will be initialised before use.
describe("something") {
context("when something") {
lateinit var a: SomeType
beforeEachTest {
a = someNewMutableObject
it("should do something") {
assertTrue(a.something()) // variable a is okay to use here
PS. lateinit
local variables are available from Kotlin 1.2 only
In Kotlin 1.1 you should just initialise it to a default value or null (make it a nullable type also).