I have a map that returns current address and location also geo coordinates. However, I would like to add a condition as follows : if address.zipcode is ( 05001 ||05009||05030 ) do something , if not display an alert . Zip Codes for the State of Vermont
Zip Code City Zip Code Map
05001 White River Junction
05009 White River Junction
The problem I am facing is , it returned the full address as a string.
Is there any way I could validate only using the zipcode?
so far , I tried
if (address.title .contains("05001")); {do this...} else{alert..}
Unfortunately , this wont work because those numbers can represent other things as a house number , city name , state or country etc.
but the condition does not guarantee that it is in the states.
Thanks in advance !
Unfortunately the reverse geolocalization it returns a List<string>
which cannot provide the field to access the specific information.
You can anyway do a dirty job reading the zip code splitting the string and getting the fourth element. (the zip code should be in this position, but you should double check)
Something like that:
var geo = new Geocoder ();
string []x;
var addresses = await geo.GetAddressesForPositionAsync (new Position (12.34516, -12.345678));
x = addresses.FirstOrDefault ().Split (',');
if(x[3].Contains("your zip code"))
It's not that elegant/robust but should do the job