I am trying to create a background for my website that uses canvases to draw stuff, get the data URL of it and set it as the background-image property of an element. The method works, but I can't find a good way to draw a cloud on the canvas. Other simpler things like the sun and stars are easy to do without images, and I would prefer to keep the entire script image-less. Drawing a multitude of circles around a point can slightly do it, but I would prefer a more realistic way to do it. Thanks in advance.
Ok, I have been thinking about the problem of draw clouds, and this is where I am at.
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.makeCloud=function (xLast, yLast, rLast, lLast){
rLast = (rLast || 50)
lLast = lLast || Math.random()*25+75;
var x = (xLast || 250) + Math.random()*(2*rLast)-rLast/1,
y = (yLast || 250) + Math.random()*(1*rLast)-rLast/1.5,
r = (rLast) + Math.random()*10-7.5,
l = (lLast);
if(x-r < 0)
x = r+1;
else if (x+r > this.width)
x = this.width-r-1;
if(y-r < 0)
y = r+1;
else if (y+r > this.height)
y = this.height-r-1;
if(r <= 0)
return this;
else if(l>100)
var ctx=this.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle='hsl(0, 0%, '+l+'%)';
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
if(Math.random < 0.01)
return this;
this.makeCloud(x, y, r, l)
return this;
It generates some pretty crazy stuff... can anyone think of any improvements? i know editing the canvas prototype isn't the best thing to do, but my application uses a bit of chaining and this makes it flow better.