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Cherrypy can't find options when using apache?

I've been having a strange problem with cherrypy. When I quickstart an application:

cherrypy.quickstart(WebApps(), '/dev/apps/', 'settings.config')

Everything works fine. However, when I try to load my application through apache mod_wsgi, it seems that none of the default options from the options file are passed to the tool I created.

I basically have a simple tool:

def doSomething(self,*args, **kwargs):
   #process the page here

def checkStatus(**kwargs): 
    #handle stuff here

and a very simple settings.config file:

tools.checkStatus.redirect = 'http://localhost/dev/MyRedirectPage.html'
tools.checkStatus.returnAfterRedirect = True

As stated above, when I run from the quickstart function, checkstatus is passed a dictionary of parameters, containing 'redirect' and 'returnAfterRedirect'.

Whenever the app is launched from mod_wsgi, the code runs, but no paramters are passed to kwargs.

def application(environ, start_response):
    app = cherrypy.tree.mount(WebApps(),

return app(environ, start_response)

Am I missing something obvious here? Why does the first version work and not the second?



  • I'd start by verifying that os.path.join(currentPath,'settings.config') is what you think it should be...

    But assuming it is, then try moving your config entries from [global] to [/]. quickstart will pass the same config to both cherrypy.config.update (the global config) and app.config (application-specific config), but tree.mount only does the latter.