I have a method that takes a context and entity object as parameters. This method should be able to determine if a common property (COID in my code) of any class(table) has a value.
I can't find a way to rewrite this code so it is more generic, and at the moment I am checking the type of each entity passed to the method.
public async static Task<bool> IsCOIDAssigned(ProjectEntities _context, object _entity)
var bSuccess = false;
//First type to check
if (_entity is tblLine)
var _line = _entity as tblLine;
await _context.Entry(_entity).ReloadAsync().ContinueWith(x =>
if (!x.IsFaulted)
var query = from c in _context.tblLines
where c.ID.Equals(_line.ID)
select c;
if(query.Single().COID.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Not assigned");
bSuccess = true;
bSuccess = false;
bSuccess = false;
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
//Second type to check
if (_entity is tblDevice)
var _device = _entity as tblDevice;
await _context.Entry(_entity).ReloadAsync().ContinueWith(x =>
if (!x.IsFaulted)
var query = from c in _context.tblDevices
where c.ID.Equals(_device.ID)
select c;
if (query.Single().COID.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Not assigned");
bSuccess = true;
bSuccess = false;
bSuccess = false;
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
//Third type to check ....
//Fourth type to check ....
return bSuccess;
Does anyone see a better solution to the problem?
I followed arekzyla's solution to make my tables inheret tblBase. However, since I have a database-first model it was not possible to modify my model through code (not sure if this is possible?)
I managed to get what I was looking for thanks to arekzyla, but with less linq queries involved, I am casting my entities as TblBase which is a class containing ID and COID (common table properties.)
public static async Task<bool> IsEntityCheckedOut(ProjectEntities _context, object _entity)
var bCheckedOut = false;
await _context.Entry(_entity).ReloadAsync().ContinueWith(x =>
if (!x.IsFaulted)
var _baseentity = _entity as TblBase;
if (_baseentity.COID.GetValueOrDefault() != 0)
bCheckedOut = true;
Console.WriteLine("Not Assigned");
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
return bCheckedOut;