I am trying to write a very simple implementation of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle to practice what I have just learned about js constructors and prototypes. I am currently having problems with what I have written so far because every time I move a 'disc' from tower[0] to let's say tower[1], my tower[2] also gets updated with the same disc. Also, when I try to make an invalid move, I still get the disc I tried to move, taken away from its tower. I have checked out my logic and I can't see anything wrong with it (I could be just biased at this point too). I am wondering if it is a problem with my constructor function or any of my methods?
Here my code :
function TowersOfHanoi(numberOfTowers){
let towersQuant = numberOfTowers || 3 , towers;
towers = Array(towersQuant).fill([]);
towers[0] = Array(towersQuant).fill(towersQuant).map((discNumber, idx) => discNumber - idx);
this.towers = towers;
TowersOfHanoi.prototype.displayTowers = function(){
return this.towers;
TowersOfHanoi.prototype.moveDisc = function(fromTower,toTower){
let disc = this.towers[fromTower].pop();
return 'disc moved!'
} else {
return 'disc couldn\'t be moved.'
TowersOfHanoi.prototype.isValidMove = function(disc,toTower){
if(this.towers[toTower][toTower.length-1] > disc || this.towers[toTower].length === 0){
return true;
}else {
return false;
this is what I am testing :
let game2 = new TowersOfHanoi();
console.log(game2.moveDisc(0, 2));
and my output :
[ [ 3, 2, 1 ], [], [] ]
disc moved!
[ [ 3, 2 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ]
disc couldn't be moved.
[ [ 3 ], [ 1 ],[ 1 ] ]
I appreciate any guidance. I am not necessarily looking for code. just to understand. Thanks
This quote from the Array fill()
documentation tells you the problem:
When the fill method gets passed an object, it will copy the reference and fill the array with references to that object.
towers = Array(towersQuant).fill([]);
Arrays are objects. So what you've done is copy a reference of the first Array to each of the other arrays. The whole thing is compounded when you iterate these references to modify them.
Update Something like this will work:
function TowersOfHanoi(numberOfTowers){
let towersQuant = numberOfTowers || 3 , towers = [];
for(let i=1; i < towersQuant; i++){
this.towers = towers;