I am currently using ProcessBuilder in java to run a python script as if I was doing it in the terminal. This python script should create an image and in terminal I would do it like this
python3 script.py arg1 arg2 > out.png
The problem here is that processbuilder does not allow me to add the '>' (redirect the output) char in the arguments followed by the path to my out.png file.
It currently creates an output with strange chars (I assume it is a base64 string).
A bit of my current code:
File output = new File("/Users/myuser/Desktop/OUTXXXXXXXXX.png");
ProcessBuilder pb =
new ProcessBuilder("/usr/local/bin/python3", pythonScriptLocation",
fileOneLocation, fileTwoLocation);
Process process = pb.inheritIO().start();
int errCode = process.waitFor();
System.out.println("Command executed, any errors? " + (errCode == 0 ? "No" : "Yes"));
All variables used above are declared.
Already seen this approach but it did not create any file at all.
With redirectOutput method:
File output = new File("/Users/myuser/Desktop/OUTXXXXXXXXX.png");
ProcessBuilder pb =
new ProcessBuilder("/usr/local/bin/python3", pythonScriptLocation",
fileOneLocation, fileTwoLocation);
File stdoutFile = new File("/Users/mysuer/Desktop/outxx.png");
Process process = pb.inheritIO().start();
int errCode = process.waitFor();
System.out.println("Command executed, any errors? " + (errCode == 0 ? "No" : "Yes"));
You should stop your Java process from inheriting the IO from your Python process (stop calling pb.inheritIO()
). Once you've done it, you can redirect the output of the process as:
File stdoutFile = new File("out.png");